Round account balances

You can turn on rounding for account balances in Onvio and specify the account to use for rounding each account type.

  1. Open a project and click the Rounding switch in the Contact Settings section of the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Rounding Setup link to open the Rounding panel.
  3. to apply rounding for the specified balance types.

    Note:  in the Round row section of the Rounding panel to round the balances for the selected balance types.

  4. In the Rounding Accounts section, specify the appropriate account to use for rounding for each account type - Asset, Equity or Liability, and Income Statement accounts.

    Note: You can click the Add Account button to add an account on the fly.

  5. Click the Save button to apply the rounding selections.


  • Rounded balances that are exported to other tax applications remain rounded.
  • You can delete rounded accounts only when rounding is turned off.
  • Rounding calculations are based on the balance type that is being rounded and includes all journal entries in the current period calculation.
  • All data entry grids and reports reflect rounded amounts for the balance types that are selected.
  • For accounts to appear as selections in the account-type fields in the Rounding Setup panel, accounts must be grouped for the Account Classification grouping schedule in the Groupings tab.
  • Debit and credit account balances are rounded separately by the application, and then calculated together to arrive at the rounded amount.