Add workpaper references for journals

You can add workpaper references to related workpapers in the Journals grid and/or the Transactions grid.

Add work paper ref columns to the Journals and Transactions grids

  1. Open a project in Onvio Accounts and select the Journals tab.
  2. Select Show/Hide at the top of the Journals grid on the left, then mark the Work paper ref checkbox.
  3. Select Show/Hide at the top of the Transactions grid on the right, then mark the Work paper ref checkbox.

Add a workpaper reference

  1. Select Add a WP Ref in the Work paper ref column of a selected account in the Journals grid (on the left).
  2. Enter the workpaper reference in the Reference field, then select Add.
  3. If you want to add a workpaper reference to the Transactions grid, select Add a WP Ref in the Work paper ref column of a selected row of the Transactions grid, enter the workpaper reference, then select Add.


  • You can enter any combination of alphanumeric characters or special characters in the Reference field.
  • A link to the source document in Onvio Documents is automatically added to the Work paper ref column of imported journals.