File XBRL accounts at Companies House

You can file XBRL accounts at Companies House from within Onvio Accounts.

Before you begin

You’ll need to have set up e-filing at Companies House, including entering Presenter Details for the firm and the Company authentication code for the client.

File the XBRL accounts

  1. In Onvio Accounts, go to the Financial Statements tab.
  2. Run the XBRL report in Preview mode.
  3. Verify the report.
  4. Select File at Companies House.

    Note: Companies House will either:

    • Reject the accounts and give details of their rejection.
    • Acknowledge your submission to Companies House.
  5. If you want to check the status of your filing, you can take any 1 of the following steps:
    • Go to the Accounts Filing project in Onvio Secretarial.

      Note: It may take a short while for the status to appear in Onvio Secretarial.

    • Select File at Companies House again to show a status indicator.
    • Close and then re-open the XBRL accounts to show a status indicator.


Companies House with either accept your XBRL accounts or reject them with an error.