Import trial balance account information
You can import balances and transactions from an Excel spreadsheet (.XLS or .XLSX) or a comma-separated values (.CSV) file stored in your local drive or in Onvio Documents.
Hidden and filtered rows or columns will not be included in the spreadsheet import.
Start the Import wizard
- Open a project.
- Select the Trial Balance tab.
- Select Import, then Spreadsheet Import Balances.
- Complete each step of the Import wizard listed below.
If you want to import transaction information, choose Import, then Spreadsheet Import Transactions.
Import wizard step one: Select File
- Choose My computer or Documents in Onvio from the Select source drop-down list.
- If you chose My computer, use Browse or drag and drop to select a file. If you chose Documents in Onvio, select a file from your folders.
- Enter a different name in the Save import journal as field if you want to change the name of your imported journal.
- Select Next.
Note: If you chose My computer, the file will be stored in Onvio Documents unless you clear the Store the uploaded file in Documents checkbox.
Import wizard step two: Define Data
- If you're importing a spreadsheet with more than one worksheet, choose the worksheet that you want to import from the Select worksheet options.
- Select Edit at the top of each column that contains data that you want to import, choose the Column Type that describes the data, then select Save.
- Mark the Omit checkbox in any row that contains incorrect data or a header row.
- Deal with any alerts or warnings that are flagged in the Issues column.
- Select Next.
- If you see alerts and/or warnings when defining data, you will not be able to continue until you have resolved them. Hover over an alert or warning to read a description of it.
- Onvio can only import the following characters from your file: letters, numbers, hyphens, dots, and forward slashes.
- The Map accounts switch is turned on by default and cannot be turned off.
- Onvio compares column headers in the spreadsheet to its column types. This comparison ignores case and spaces. If Onvio finds matching columns, it defines these for you and omits the first row of your spreadsheet. If more than one column in the spreadsheet has the same heading, Onvio will not define them. You can select Edit to redefine columns.
Import wizard step three: Mapping Options
- Select one of the following options to map accounts.
- Create new mapping for accounts. This option is selected by default if no saved mapping exists.
- Use existing mapping for accounts, then select an existing mapping from the drop-down list. This option is disabled until a mapping has been saved.
- Select Next.
Import wizard step four: Map Accounts
- Check that any accounts chosen by the auto-mapping process in the Onvio grid are correct.
- If an account has been wrongly mapped or not auto-mapped, choose the correct account from the Map account drop-down list in the Onvio grid.
- Select Finish Import.
- Onvio auto-maps accounts in the imported file to existing accounts in Onvio based on account numbers and account descriptions.
- If there’s no account description, Onvio auto-maps based on only the account number.
- If you chose an existing mapping, this takes priority over auto-mapping.
- The comparisons that Onvio makes when auto-mapping accounts are not case sensitive.
- When you manually map a transaction to an Onvio account, your mapping is copied to unmapped transactions with the same account number. If there's no account number column, your mapping is copied to transactions with the same description.
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