Set up a prospective company as a client

In Onvio you use a company formation project to submit a request to Companies House to incorporate a company limited by shares. You add this project to the prospective company's client record set up in Onvio Centre.

Set up the company name, entity type, and address

  1. In Onvio Centre go to Setup > Clients.
  2. Select Add.
  3. With the General tab active, enter a unique ID for the proposed company.
  4. Choose Private Company Limited by Shares from the Entity Type drop-down list.
  5. Enter the name of the proposed company.
  6. Enter the commencement date, which will usually be the formation date of the new company.
  7. In the Address section, enter the business address that is intended to be the new company's registered office.
  8. At the end of the Address section, select Use For > Registered Office.
  9. Select Done

Next step

Add a company formation project to the company.