Create a billing statement
Create a statement for a client with an accounts receivable balance. Click Time & Billing > Billing > Statements tab to view a list of all clients with accounts receivable balances. You can exclude from the list clients with invoices in your selected date range. If you want to use a statement format other than the client's default format, select it from the Format Override field.
Click the Open in New Tab button next to a client's name to preview their statement. From the preview, you can perform the following actions.
- Download the statement
- Zoom the view in or out, or view the statement at full screen
- Rotate the statement within the viewer
- Print the statement
Select one statement by clicking the Send button next to it, or select multiple statements by marking the box next to each one and clicking Send in the toolbar. In the Create Statements panel, choose the file type (PDF, XLS, or RTF), select the default delivery method (if desired), and select one of the following destinations.
- Download to my computer
- Send to Documents
- Send to Documents and email a statement link to the client
Note: Onvio sends a link to the email address of the client's billing contact or primary contact (if there isn't a billing contact). This link expires after two weeks.
- Send to Documents and automatically open it there
Click the Export button in the toolbar to export the contents of the Statements screen to a Microsoft Excel (.XLS) file.
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