Import WIP transactions

You can import WIP transactions from an Excel™ spreadsheet (xlsx files only) and they will be added to the WIP ledger.  The file size is limited to 1 megabyte each and a maximum of 1000 rows.  There is no limit to the number of spreadsheets you can import. Each Tab on a spreadsheet is imported separately.

The information must pass a two-stage import validation process. The first stage is simple data validation.  For example, a Client ID cannot be longer than twenty characters. The second stage of validation occurs when the data is added to Onvio.

All simple data validation must pass before any information is processed. Validation errors can be fixed by opening the report (as a CSV file) in Excel and taking the appropriate remedial action. Saving the file as an xlsx file allows for it to be reimported. 

Next, the spreadsheet is processed row by row. A row that is successful will be written to Onvio. If a row fails, a reason will be written to a second downloadable report once all rows have been processed.

 The original file will be deleted after processing.  The processing error file is retained for 30 days.

Column Value Pre-processing Validation Processing Validation
Client ID* 20 Characters or less in length Must already exist in Onvio
Client Name None Not used
Date* Valid date in dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy format and must exist as a date
Time or Expenses* One of Time or Expense case insensitive.
Hours Units The number of hours for a time entry or number of units for an expense. Can be omitted will create an entry of 1 hour or 1 unit as appropriate. Specified as decimal hours or units to two decimal places. if WIP value is negative then the hours units should also be negative
Rate description The ID of the rate if no specified than the default is used The default rate is the rate associated with the OPEN_BAL activity
WIP Value* The value of the WIP entry to two decimal places. Allowed to be currency or number. Must not exceed 99999.99 can be positive or negative to allow for progress entries to be imported.

Note: The import process expects that any currency symbol used matches that of the current user. If this differs the system can reject these values as it considers them a string. If this happens remove currency symbol.

Activity ID 20 Characters or less in length Must already exist in Onvio. If not specified default Open_bal activity used. This is case sensitive
Staff ID 20 Characters or less in length Must already exist in Onvio. If not specified a default staff member called WIP BFWD
Service ID 20 Characters or less in length Must already exist in Onvio

* required fields