Notification variables
Variables add commonly used information to notification alerts.
Global variables
- Firm name: [FIRM NAME]
- Portal login page: [PORTAL LOGIN PAGE]
- Recipient first name: [RECIPIENT FIRST NAME]
- Recipient last name: [RECIPIENT LAST NAME]
- Reply to email address: [SENDER EMAIL ADDRESS]
- Sender first name: [SENDER FIRST NAME]
- Sender last name: [SENDER LAST NAME]
- User login ID: [USER LOGIN]
- User type: [USER TYPE]
Note: SENDER variables will input information from the staff login used to send the email.
Account template variables
Account Locked
- Login block expiration: [LOGIN BLOCK EXPIRATION]
Login Updated
- Date of prior login: [PRIOR LOGIN]
Billing template variables
- Balance due: [BALANCE DUE]
- Due date: [DUE DATE]
- Dunning message: [DUNNING MESSAGE]
- Expiration period: [EXPIRATION PERIOD]
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
- Firm address: [FIRM ADDRESS]
- Firm contact: [FIRM CONTACT]
- Firm email: [FIRM EMAIL]
- Invoice number: [INVOICE NUMBER]
- Statement total: [STATEMENT TOTAL]
Client Centre template variables
Client Document
- Client Centre URL: [CLIENT CENTER URL]
- Document name: [DOCUMENT NAME]
- Sender full name: [SENDER FULL NAME]
- Tax year: [TAX YEAR]
Documents template variables
Client Adds Files
- Client name: [CLIENT NAME]
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
Recipient Submits Response to Approval
- Approver name: [APPROVER NAME]
- Approved or rejected: [APPROVAL STATUS]
- Client: [CLIENT]
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
- Reason for approval or rejection: [COMMENTS]
Recipient Submits Response to Request
- Client: [CLIENT]
- Request subject link: [REQUEST SUBJECT]
Staff Adds Approval
- Approval subject link: [APPROVAL SUBJECT]
- Due date: [DUE DATE]
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
Staff Adds Files*
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
- Folder name: [FOLDER NAME]
Staff Adds Request
- Due date: [DUE DATE]
- Expiration period: [EXPIRATION PERIOD]
- File names: [FILE NAMES]
- Request details: [REQUEST DETAILS]
- Request subject: [REQUEST SUBJECT]
- View request: [VIEW REQUEST]
Staff Share Folder - Contributer / Owner / Reviewer*
- Folder name: [FOLDER NAME]
- Subfolder name: [SUB FOLDER NAME]
*These notifications can be disabled. See Disable client notifications for more information.
User Activation template variables
Client Centre Registration
- Registration link: [REGISTRATION LINK]
Staff Registration
- Portal login page: [PORTAL LOGIN PAGE]
The CC email and BCC email fields are not currently enabled for any templates, and any content users enter in those fields will not be used. If a user happens to change their login email address via Onvio Web AND they have either the Documents or Client Centre mobile app installed, they will stop getting push notifications until they log out of the mobile app(s) and then log back in with the new login email address.
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