Password guidelines and tips
We strongly recommend that Onvio administrators change their passwords frequently to protect client data.
Passwords must contain at least eight characters and include all of the following.
- a number
- a lowercase letter
- an uppercase letter
- a special character
To create a more secure password, use more special characters and consider the following strategies when creating passwords. The allowed special characters are listed onscreen when you create or update your password.
- Replace letters with similar-looking characters.
Replace the letter O with zero (0).
- Use representative characters for words.
Replace the word "and" with & or the word "up" with ^.
Do not include any of the following in your passwords.
- any complete word
- your email address
- any part of your name or your company name
- sequential letters or numbers (abc, 123)
- consecutive keyboard strings (aaaaaa1, asdfasdf1)
Onvio will not allow passwords that contain certain common words or phrases.
Do not share your password with anyone.
Do not write down your password.
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