Export files from the Documents area

You can download our utility to help you export all the files that you have access to in Onvio Documents from Onvio to your computer, as a batch.

Download the utility

  1. Download the DocumentServicesExportUK.zip file and save it to your computer.
  2. Extract all files from the ZIP file.
  3. Double-click the DocumentServicesExportAll.exe file.
  4. In the Onvio Documents Export All panel, select Log in.
  5. Log in with your Onvio login credentials.

Download your documents

  1. Create a folder where you want to save your exported files.
  2. Select Start, go to the folder where you want to save the exported files, then select OK.

    Note: The utility gathers a list of all clients, the number of documents per client, and the number of documents in Firm Documents. My Documents are not included so you'll need to download them within Onvio.

  3. Select all clients including Firm Documents, or specific clients.
  4. After the export is complete, select OK.
  5. Select Close

Note: If you later export more clients and select the folder you've used before to export documents, you'll get the following message: 

A previous gathering of documents has already been performed for this company; would you like to continue with that gather?

If you continue with the previous gathering, the utility will not gather any documents added or modified after the time when it previously gathered the documents. You'll need to start a new gathering if you want to include these new or modified documents.

  • The export only makes copies of the documents on a user's computer. The original documents remain in Onvio. Onvio data is not impacted by the export process. You can begin and cancel the export without any negative impact.
  • The folder structure is created when the exported files are downloaded.
  • The download is not encrypted.
  • The export utility does not have a time out function. You can stop the export process, but not restart it. If stopped, you need to start a new export.
  • The export calculates the total number of documents to be exported and provides a time estimate before the export begins.