Enable integration between Onvio and Digita

You can make Onvio Documents the default Document Management System for each of your Digita applications. 

Before you start

You will need to log in to the Digita application as administrator. 

Open Document Management options

The way to open Document Management options differs according to which Digita application you're using. Once you've opened the options, the way to configure them is the same for all applications. 

Digita Accounts Production Advanced

Select Tools then Configure Document Management.

Digita Accounts Production

  1. Select Tools, then Options.
  2. Select the Document Management tab.

Digita Personal, Business and Trust Tax

  1. Select Tools, then Options.
  2. Select the Document Management tab

Digita Corporation Tax

  1. Select Tools, then Options.
  2. Select the Document Management tab.

Digita Company Secretarial

  1. Select Tools then General Options.
  2. Select the Document Management tab.

Digita Practice Management

  1. Select Tools then General Options.
  2. Select the Document Management tab.

Configure Document Management options

  1. Tick the Use Document Management checkbox, if any.
  2. Select Onvio Documents as the Plugin.
  3. Select Onvio Documents (https://onvio.co.uk/) as the Data location.
  4. Select OK.