Using the Home Dashboard
The Home Dashboard provides a setup assistant and several widgets in the My Centre and Help & How-to Centre sections. You can customize their display and arrangement to suit your needs.
Setup Assistant
The Setup Assistant appears automatically on the Home Dashboard for your firm’s primary Onvio administrator, and guides them through initial setup. However, any staff member can enable the assistant. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner, click the User Preferences link, tick the box to display the Setup Assistant, and then click Save.
Select an item, and click the Mark as Complete link after you’ve completed it. Click the Learn More link next to each item's description to open a Help & How-To Center article with detailed information.
Staff Availability
This widget allows you to see the current status of the firm's staff.
- Change your own status by clicking the status menu below your name.
- Customise your status by editing the field to the right of the status menu.
- In the All Staff tab, create a custom list of staff by clicking the stars next to the names of selected staff members, who will then appear in the Favourites tab.
- Click an envelope button to open a new email message in your default email application, addressed to the relevant staff member.
My Assignments
This widget shows your open project assignments and tasks too. You can view each assignment's status, due date, target complete date, and more.
- Change a project's status (or a task's status, if applicable) by clicking in the Status column and choosing a different status item.
- Modify a project by clicking its Edit button.
- Add a comment to a project by clicking its Comment button.
- If a project is associated with an Onvio application, launch the project in that application by clicking the project description.
Time Recap
Use this widget to view a recap of your time entries for a selected date range.
- Choose one of the pre-set date ranges or create a custom date range.
- Click Billable, Nonbillable, Administrative, or Total Hours to view detail about each time entry that's included in the summary amount.
Help & How-to Centre
This widget provides links to commonly used articles and videos.
Customise the Home Dashboard
You can customise the Home Dashboard by reordering the dashboard sections and rearranging or hiding widgets.
To customise your view, click the Edit button in the lower right corner, which activates an edit mode. Then click and drag items to rearrange them, or click the Options button on a widget and choose Hide to hide it.
Hidden widgets are represented by buttons placed at the bottom of the dashboard section. Click this button to restore a hidden widget. For example, this button represents the Staff Availability widget, when hidden.
Hiding widgets can improve the performance of the Home Dashboard.
To reorder dashboard sections, click and drag a section heading in the left column to a new position. Click the Hide button to hide an entire section from the dashboard.
When you are finished customising your dashboard, click the Done button in the lower right corner of the screen.
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