Digita Data Quality Check errors


If you use the Data Quality Check in Digita Practice Management before migrating client data to Onvio the results may alert you to errors in your data.


The Data Quality Check will identify which data is causing a problem.


If the error arises from a Companies House registration number, email address, tax reference, or VAT number, then the following information may help you to resolve it.


Registered number

A company's registered number must be in a valid Companies House format, which is either 8 numbers, or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers.

Email address

A valid email address needs to include at least one dot after the @ and cannot contain any of the following.

  • Spaces.
  • Single or double quotes.
  • More than one @.
  • More than one dot before the @.

Tax reference

The Unique Tax Payer Reference needs to be in a valid HMRC format of 10 digits. 

VAT number

A VAT registration number must be in a valid HMRC format, which has a country code of 2 letters followed by 9 digits. 

The 9 digits need to be arranged in a block of 3, a block of 4, then a block of 2.  For example, GB123 4567 89.

The spaces between blocks of digits can be replaced by hyphens. For example, GB123-4567-89.