Matching rules for migrating client data

When you migrate client data from Digita Practice Management, Onvio uses rules to check for matches with your existing client data. This helps you to avoid making a new a client record in Onvio where one already exists.

Read more to find out when Onvio automatically creates a new client record, when it updates an existing record, and when it waits for you to decide. 

Results of matching rules

  • Only one exact match found: the Onvio record is updated with data from Digita Practice Management.
  • More than one exact match, a possible match, or a partial match found: Onvio lists them in the Migrations utility as conflicts for you to resolve. 
  • No match found: Onvio creates a new client record.


  • Exact match is when either of the following are true.
    • The Client Code is an exact match to the Onvio ID.
    • Neither record has a Client Code and Surname is an exact match and Date of birth is an exact match (or neither record has a Date of birth) and either or both Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) or National Insurance Number (NINO) match exactly.
  • Possible match is when any of the following are true.
    • Any three or more of the following match: Client Code, Surname, UTR, NINO, Date of birth, and Primary Email.
    • Any one of the following match: NINO, UTR, Client Code, or Email and Surname matches.
  • No match is when any of the following are true.
    • None of the following items match: Client Code, Surname, UTR, NINO, Date of birth, and Email.
    • Only the Surname matches, but one or more of the following do not match: Client Code, UTR, NINO, Date of birth, and Email.


  • Exact match is when any three or more of the following match: Name, Client Code, UTR, VAT registration number, or Companies House reference.
  • Possible match is when any one of the following match: Client Code, UTR, VAT registration number, Companies House reference.
  • No match is the result of any other situation.

Sole trades

  • Exact match is when any three or more of the following match: Business Name, Proprietor Name, Client Code, or VAT registration number.
  • Possible match is when any two or fewer of the following match: Client Code, Business Name, Proprietor Name, or VAT registration number.
  • No match is the result of any other situation.


  • Exact match is when Client Code/ID and Primary Email and a national identifier matches and there is only one entity returned. If more than one entity is returned, they are possible matches.
  • Possible match is when any of Client Code/ID or Primary Email or a national identifier matches. 
  • No match is the result of any other situation.


  • Exact match is when Client Code/ID, Primary Email and a national identifier matches and there is only one entity returned. If more than one entity is returned, they are considered possible matches.
  • Possible match results if any of Client Code/ID, Primary Email or a national identifier matches.
  • No match is the result of any other situation.


  • Exact match is when Client Code/ID, Primary Email and a national identifier matches and there is only one entity returned. If more than one entity is returned, then they are possible matches.
  • Partial match is when any of Client Code/ID, Primary Email or a national identifier matches.
  • No match is the result of any other situation.