Project target dates and ready flags

Target dates can be set for a predetermined time before the project's due date, or for a predetermined time after the actual received date.

Before you start

Make sure you're assigned to a permission group that has Projects, Tasks and Project Templates enabled.

Ready flags

Ready flags indicate which tasks are ready to work on. Tasks marked as complete will not have a ready flag. After you mark a task complete, the ready flag will move to the next task even if that task's status is not ready. When you set up target dates, you have the following options:

    • Based off of due date

      If a project templates first task has it's target start date set to be "based off of due date"  when the project is added to a client, then first task will be set to "ready" automatically. 

    • Based off of received date

      If a project templates first task has it's target start date set to be "based off of received date" when the project is added to a client AND the projects received date is entered, then the first task will be set to ready.  


  • Every task after the first one will become ready once all tasks with order numbers lower than its own are completed.

Set up project target date

Use the following steps to specify how project or task target dates are determined.

  1. In Onvio Centre choose Setup, then Project Templates.
  2. Choose the project template, then select Edit .
  3. On the Reference tab in the Target Dates section, enter the Target Start Date and Target Completion Date.
  4. Select Save when you're finished.

Set up task target date

Use the following steps to specify how task target dates are determined.

  1. In Onvio Centre choose Projects.
  2. Choose the task, then select Edit .
  3. Expand the Status and Dates section and set the target dates.
  4. Select Save when you're finished.

Enter a received date

If the project task is set to start a set number of days after the received date, you must open the project in advanced mode to enter the actual received date.

Changing the status to Received on the Projects and Task screen will not trigger the dates to calculate. The actual date must be entered.

  1. In Onvio Centre select Projects.
  2. Tick the project or task, then select Edit in the toolbar.


    • If you do not see target dates listed for a project, select Switch to Advanced Mode.
    • For tasks, expand the Status and Dates section.
  3. Choose a date in the Actual Received Date field.
  4. Select Yes to update the target dates for this project and tasks.
  5. Select Save when you're finished.