Firm Dashboard
You can use the Firm Dashboard to view billing numbers for your firm. Click Dashboard > Firm Dashboard on the menu bar to open this dashboard.
The dashboard contains various time and billing-related widgets.
- A/R Agings — Accounts receivable aging information, in table format.
- A/R Recap — A recap of accounts receivable activity for the time period you specify, including beginning A/R balance, invoices, receipts, adjustments, late fees, and ending A/R balance.
- Key Totals — Production, adjustment, invoice, realisation, and collection totals for the period to date or year to date, with comparisons to the prior year represented by graphs.
- WIP Agings — WIP aging information, in table format.
- WIP Recap — A recap of WIP activity for the time period you specify, including beginning WIP balance, production, billing, adjustments, progress bills, and ending WIP balance.
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