Firm reports

To access firm reports, choose Reporting > Firm Reports.

Onvio firm reports provide the information you need to track and analyse your firm's work. Choose from the list of reports. Report availability is determined by which products you have licensed. 

For each report, you can perform the following actions.

  • Click Edit to select report options, such as date ranges, sorting, and grouping.
  • Click Open to preview the report in a new browser tab.
  • Click Create to create a copy of the report in PDF, Excel, or rich text format, that you can download to your computer or add to the Documents area.

Most reports also enable you to choose a date range, along with detail and grouping options.

Filtering options are available for all reports.


Report Description
Accounts Receivable Aging Lists unpaid client invoices by date ranges. It is used to show which invoices are overdue for payment.
Accounts Receivable Applications Shows debits and credits that have been applied to invoices and when the applications occurred. You can view the report from either a debit or a credit perspective.
Accounts Receivable Ledger Shows all items that have affected a client's accounts receivable (A/R) balance, such as bills, receipts, and adjustments.
Accounts Receivable Summary Status of your accounts receivable.
Billing Analysis Information on billing decisions related to time and expenses for the specified period. Helps you analyse the realization percentage of your firm's billing rates, margin, and which clients, staff, or services are most profitable. Lets you determine whether your firm was able to bill for your staff's assigned rates, and the difference between what you are billing and the cost to the firm.
Billing Worksheet Comprehensive billing information. You have the option to include or exclude page breaks in between clients on the Billing Worksheet.

Collection Summary

Provides a summary of receipts collected, how they were applied, and average number of days to collection, to help you determine a client's payment habits.
Invoice Journal List of invoices and their components (invoice number, date, amount, surcharges, taxes, and so on) entered for a specified date range.
Invoice Receipts Analysis Provides information about receipts that have been applied to invoices.
Late Fee Journal Listing of late fees in specified date range.
Period Reconciliation

Summary of the firm’s activity for the selected date range. Includes work-in-process, billing, and accounts receivable information. Use this report to tie totals from other detailed reports, such as the Accounts Receivable Summary, Work-in-Process Summary, and Billing Analysis reports.

Production Analysis Information about staff time worked and client expenses incurred for the specified period. Helps determine billable percentage, margin, and percentage of time spent on activities.
Project Budget to Actual Shows variances between budgeted and actual hours and amounts per project.
Project Listing Includes staff members involved with the project, due date, and the number of times the project has been extended.
Project Status Tracks project status in greater detail. Includes targeted and actual start dates, budgeted hours and amounts, and targeted and actual completion dates.
Receipt and Adjustment Journal Journal of receipt and adjustment entries entered for a specified control date. Produces a list of receipt and adjustment entries (for example, to accompany a deposit slip). 
Routing Sheet Shows the status of tasks within a project, and indicates which tasks need to be signed off before subsequent tasks can begin.
Task Budget to Actual Shows the variance between budgeted and actual hours and amounts per task. Always detailed by task.
Task Status

Shows the status of project tasks within a selected date range. You can choose and add groupings. 

Shows staff the tasks they need to complete for a project, and by when. Tells staff if they can begin a task and whether the preceding task(s) have been completed. Shows which staff are assigned to different projects, and which tasks are ready to begin, who is working on them, and status of the tasks.

Time and Expense Journal Journal of time and expenses entered for a specified date range. 
Time and Expense Listing A more comprehensive report of time and expenses entered for a specified date range.
VAT Analysis - Accruals Shows VAT Tax group information breakdown for firms using Accruals accounting. This aids the tracking and reporting of the firm’s VAT liability.
Work-in-Process Summary Combines both recap and aging information to provide an overview or summary of the status of work in process (WIP).