Invite clients to use OnBalance

You can invite your clients to use OnBalance and link their company information with your firm. When they link to your firm, they can send you their transaction and mileage details after each reporting period.

  1. Select Setup, then Clients.
  2. Select Edit next to the Client ID.

    Note: The client must have an entity type of Individual and a project that relates to the Sole Trade contact.

  3. Select the Integration tab.
  4. Enter the client's email address.
  5. Select Send invitation. Onvio will send a registration message immediately.


    • The client will need to enter their full name, email address, and a password on the OnBalance sign up page.
    • If the client does not register their OnBalance account, you can resend the invitation from this screen.

You'll need to set up periods for your client so that they can send their transaction and mileage information. 

To set up periods for your client:

  1. Select Setup, then Clients.
  2. Select Edit next to the Client ID.
  3. Select the Periods tab.

Note: For more information, read the Periods overview article.

The day after a period end date, your client will receive a message in OnBalance to complete their transaction and mileage information for the period. After your client notifies you of transaction and mileage information, you can review the details within their Onvio Accounts project on the OnBalance Transactions tab.