Change your email address

The email address that serves as your Onvio login is separate from your primary email address in the application, even if the same email address is used for both. The login address is used only for your initial registration and logging in, and the primary address is used for notifications and other purposes.

Updating your email address through Account Information doesn't update it anywhere else in Onvio — it only changes the address you use to log in. You (or a user with permission to update staff information) must make the same change in the Staff screen or the Contacts screen if you want to use the updated email address for other purposes in Onvio.

Likewise, any updates that clients make through Account Information won't be reflected anywhere else in Onvio. A staff member must make the same change in the Clients screen or the Contacts screen.

To change your email address for logging in to Onvio Center, click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click the View Profile link. Enter your new email address in the Account tab.


  • If you link two existing accounts by changing the email address for one account to match the email address for the other, the unused email address will remain listed in the Authenticator mobile app until you delete it manually.

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