Add placeholders to documents and send documents for eSignature

When you add an approval request for documents, you can enable eSignatures and add the appropriate placeholders to the document before sending it to recipients.

Before you start

  • Make sure you're assigned to a permission group that has Document Approvals enabled.
  • You have to be licensed for eSignatures for them to be available in Onvio. You can contact your sales representative to find out more.

Add eSignatures placeholders

  1. In Onvio Center, go to Documents.
  2. Select the Communications tab.
  3. Select Add, then Aproval Request.
  4. Choose a Client from the list.
  5. Select at least one Recipient from the list.
    • You can have up to four different recipients on an approval request.
    • If you have multiple individuals on an approval request, the document will only be approved if all individuals sign the document.
    • The Send via Client Center checkbox will only be enabled if the recipient is an Individual and has a relationship to the selected client.
    • If you choose Send via Client Center and the recipient is not registered for Client Center, then they will receive an email invitation to register.
  6. To add a document, select the Add Document link, then select a document.
    • eSignatures can only be placed on PDFs within Onvio.
    • You can send up to 10 documents in a single request.
  7. To add eSignatures to the PDF, turn the eSignatures switch on.
  8. To place the eSignatures in the document, select Add eSignature placeholders.
    • You can choose three placeholders: Signature, Date and Initials.
  9. To add the placeholders, drag and drop the placeholders to the desired locations on the PDF and select Save.
  10. If the eSignature requires Identity Verification, such as the form 8879, turn the Identity Verification Required switch on.

Send documents for eSignatures

  1. Complete the steps above, then enter a Due Date and Expiration Date.
  2. To enable a password for the email recipient, mark the Require the recipient to enter a unique password to view the request checkbox and enter a password.

    Onvio will not communicate the password to the email recipient. We recommend that you verbally notify the recipient of the password.

  3. Enter a subject for the request into the Message Subject. This will be the subject line of the email notification.
  4. Adjust the message to the recipient.
  5. Once you have entered all the information, select Send to send the request.

Internal notes

Firms who want to use e-signature in Onvio Firm Management to be able to electronically sign all PDFs need to license either Essentials or Advanced, and need to own one of the e-sign packages (ESIGN300, ESIGN750, or ESIGN1500). If they don't have either of these they can speak with their Sales Representative. 

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