Share folders

When you or other staff members share a folder in the Documents area with specific clients, those clients will be able to view and download the files in those folders from within Onvio Client Center.

Note: In Onvio Client Center, Clients will see only individual files from the folders you share.

Mark the checkbox for the folder that you want to share in the Client Documents tab and choose Manage > Share Folder.

In the Share Folder panel, you can select contacts who are associated with the current client and who have access to Onvio and assign folder sharing roles. Assigned roles will determine the actions that contacts can take on the files within the folder.

For details on permissions for folder-sharing roles in the Documents area, see Folder sharing roles in Onvio.

Update contact information to enable sharing

If you select a contact who doesn't meet the criteria for folder sharing, the Enable Sharing panel opens, allowing you to define the contact relationship and/or enable Client Center access for the selected contact.

If the Enable Sharing panel opens, follow these steps.

  1. If the Client Center Access buttons are visible, click the On button to enable access to Client Center.
  2. Complete all other fields as needed. Onvio prompts you for all required information.
  3. Click Save to enable sharing for the updated contact.


View share information

You can view information about the shared folders and files by clicking the Share button next to the shared folder or file in the Client Documents area. The Share panel lists all Reviewers, Contributors, and Owners for the item.


  • At the folder level, you can click the Share button to view and/or edit the list of people that share the folder. If the list exceeds 20 people that share the folder, you can click the Edit Shared Details link to view and/or edit the list in the Manage Share screen.
  • At the file level, you can click the Share button to view-only the list of people that share the file. If the list exceeds 20 people that share the file, you can click the View Shared Details link to open the Manage Share screen.

Edit share information

To change or remove access to a folder, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Share button and then click Edit Shared Details.
  2. In the Share Folder panel, you can change the role of the contact for the folder.
  3. You can remove a contact's access to a folder or document by clicking the X button.
  4. You can give contacts access to a folder or document by selecting them in the Select a contact field.

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