Turn off notifications

You can disable some client notifications on the message templates for those notifications.

Before you start

Make sure you're assigned to a permission group that has Client Notifications enabled.

Disable notifications

  1. In Onvio Center, go to Setup and then select Notifications.
  2. In the Wording tab, select the template you want to turn notifications off for.
  3. Turn the notification switch off.
    • In some templates, you may disable mobile push notifications, notifications within Onvio, or notifications by email.
  4. Select Save when you're finished.

Disable document uploaded notification

You can disable notifications to prevent clients from receiving emails when staff upload documents in Onvio. This includes clients who are not registered for Client Center.

  1. In Onvio Center, go to Setup and then select Notifications.
  2. In the Wording tab, select Documents.
  3. Choose Staff or Client Adds Files, then turn Notifications by email off.
  4. Select Save when you're finished.

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