Finalize or Unfinalize a binder


When you have completed all work in a binder, you can Finalize it to protect all documents from further updates, remove workpapers marked as Delete on Finalize, and permanently empty the Recycle Bin for the project.

From the Binders tab, click Actions and choose Finalize Binder.

The following actions occur when you Finalize a binder.

  • All items in the project binder are locked and cannot be modified.
  • Workpapers marked as Delete on Finalize are permanently deleted—including comments—unless you choose to retain the workpaper.
  • All items in the Recycle Bin for the binder are permanently deleted.


  • A lock icon appears next to the top folder of the binder which indicates that all documents in the binder are locked, and a Binder has been finalized message appears above the binder list.
  • A lock icon appears on the Binder tab so that even when you're not in the Binder tab you can see when a binder is finalized or not.


You can choose to Unfinalize a binder to continue to update existing and add new workpapers, as needed.

From the Binders tab in a Finalized binder, click Actions and choose Unfinalize Binder.

The following actions occur when you Unfinalize a binder.

  • All workpapers not deleted during the Finalize are made available for editing.
  • The lock icon and related finalize label is removed from the binder list.
  • The lock icon is removed from the binder tab.

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