QuickBooks Online import overview

You can import accounts and balances from QuickBooks Online into the Trial Balance screen in Onvio. The import provides the flexibility to add new accounts and to map accounts to existing accounts in Onvio Trial Balance. Also, the import will automatically map account classifications and tax grouping assignments based on the QuickBooks Online account type and subtype which can be changed if needed.

Current limitations

  • You can import up to 1,000 accounts at a time from QuickBooks Online.
  • The import brings in cumulative balances (including beginning balances), therefore we recommend only using this feature for annual clients. Importing period balances from QuickBooks Online will be released in the future.

Notes about the import

  • You can enable integration with QuickBooks Online via the Integration tab in Onvio. The connection with QuickBooks Online is retained, even after you close and reopen the application.
  • Specific options that are selected during the import process are retained for subsequent imports. See Import accounts and balances from QuickBooks Online for details.
  • QuickBooks Online accounts are automatically mapped to existing Onvio accounts where possible, but you can also map QuickBooks Online accounts manually to the appropriate Onvio accounts, as needed.
  • QuickBooks Online accounts that are added as new accounts during the initial import are automatically mapped to the same accounts for subsequent imports.
  • Onvio automatically matches the correct Account classification and Tax groupings.
  • After QuickBooks Online accounts are imported into the Trial Balance screen, an adjustment is created for the imported balances. You can delete the adjustment if it is necessary to import for the same date range and avoid duplicating account balances in the Trial Balance screen.

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