Roll forward procedures

The roll forward process can take place any time during the course of a project, but most firms perform this when the project is close to completion. The application uses the binder that you rolled forward as a template to create a new project.

To successfully roll forward your project in Onvio Trial Balance, be sure to select the appropriate options for the following fields in the General tab of the Setup > Project Templates screen.

  • Application. Choose the appropriate application (Trial Balance) other than None for the types of projects that you are creating that use the template.
  • Pattern. (Recurrence Frequency section). Be sure to select an option other than None.

Apply roll forward settings for workpapers in the binder

  1. Open your project and click the Binder tab.
  2. To roll forward multiple workpapers, select the applicable workpapers in the binder and choose Manage > Workpaper Properties. To roll forward a single workpaper, right-click the workpaper in the left panel and choose Manage > Workpaper Properties.
  3. In the Roll Forward Setting column in the Workpaper Properties panel, choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save.

If the Use Roll Forward Setting for subsequent projects checkbox is marked for the project template being used in the Document Storage section of the General tab (accessed from the Setup > Project Templates in Onvio Center), the following actions are automatically applied to the new project binder that is generated.

  • The folder structure from the rolled forward project is retained and copied to the new project.
  • The roll forward settings for each workpaper in the binder that was selected in the Workpaper Properties panel for the original project are retained and copied to the new project.

Roll forward a binder

  1. Open your project and click the Binder tab.
  2. Choose Actions > Roll Forward at the top of the left panel in the Binder screen to open the Roll Forward screen.
  3. Enter a name for the new project that you will roll forward.
  4. For each workpaper in the binder you can update the reference, name, roll forward setting, and staff assignment, as required.


    • You can use the Select Roll Forward Settings options to apply specific settings to all workpapers in the project. When different combinations of roll forward settings are listed, the application automatically selects the Custom option.
    • For licensed users of Guided Assurance: You cannot change the roll forward settings for Guided Assurance workpapers in this screen, even if they are present in the list. You can modify them only during the Guided Assurance roll forward process.
      • If the binder includes only workpapers added from Onvio Trial Balance, proceed to the next step and then continue with the steps in the following section.
  5. Click Continue at the top of the screen to start the roll forward process.
  6. When you are prompted with a message that indicates that the roll forward was successful, click the Open the new Project link to open the new project, or click the X to close the message and return to the current project.

Roll forward a binder with Guided Assurance workpapers

The Binder tab is unavailable after you roll forward a binder that contains Onvio Trial Balance workpapers and Guided Assurance workpapers. Follow these steps to complete the roll forward process for Guided Assurance workpapers.

  1. With your project open, click the Binder tab to open a panel that prompts you to complete the Roll Forward process for Guided Assurance workpapers.
  2. Click Roll Forward and use the Guided Assurance roll forward wizard to step you through the process.

Internal notes

Roll Forward uses the generate next endpoint in Core and therefore the project template setup is key in the roll forward process being successful or not. When rolling forward a project/binder, the generate next endpoint that roll forward calls does not look at what was setup on the project, but rather the project template. The project template needs to have an application selected (Trial Balance or Checkpoint Engage) and a recurrence frequency pattern other than None in order for the roll forward process to complete successfully.


User buys Onvio Trial Balance or Guided Assurance with nothing else. They go to add a project and are required to choose a project template. We provide a default template for them. They choose this default template and choose their application and create the project. When they are done with their work, they want to roll forward the binder to create next years binder. It fails.

  • This is because the default project template that is given has None as the application and None as the recurrence frequency pattern. The user did choose their application when they setup their project using this template, but when rolling forward and calling the generate next endpoint, the template is used for the application and recurrence frequency settings, not what was selected on the project.

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