Release notes for Onvio Accounts

23 June 2022

Trial Balance screen enhancements

  • Cells that can be edited in the Trial Balance grid are now white and cells that cannot be edited are now shaded in grey. 
  • Cells that contain drop downs now have visible drop down arrows to indicate the cell is editable and contains a drop down list in the Trial Balance grid.
  • Only two decimal places are allowed to be entered for balances in the Trial Balance grid.
  • Column widths are now remembered per staff member in the Trial Balance grid.

26 May 2022


The Journals screen now has a Save & add new button.  This will save your current journal and start a new one.  The Type and Posting period fields on the new transaction will retain the value from the previous transaction.

28 April 2022

Periods screen

When you add a new financial year the period frequency will now default to the period frequency for the adjacent financial year.

Account Assignment

We added hover text to the navigation arrows on the Account Assignment screen.

31 March 2022

Linking OnBalance clients

The OnBalance Access behaviour for linking OnBalance clients moved from Onvio Accounts to the new Integration tab.


We made several workflow improvements in the Adjustments screen to address tabbing issues and focus not being clear when tabbing through fields.

3 February 2022

Periods screen redesigned

We made several improvements to the layout and workflow from the Periods tab in the Client, Contact, and Firm Setup screens.

Internal notes

7 January 2021

Show workpaper references on reports

You can now choose to include a Workpaper Reference column on the Trial Balance report.

17 September 2020

Journals - Add accounts on the fly

You can now add accounts on the fly when entering transactions in a journal, instead of needing to go to the Trial Balance tab to add a new account.

20 August 2020

Spreadsheet import

You can now map accounts in the spreadsheet to existing accounts in Onvio, or add them as new accounts.

9 January 2020

Hide zero rows

We have added a Hide zero rows switch above the Trial Balance grid that allows you to hide rows when there are zeros in all the balance columns in the current trial balance view.

5 September 2019

Copy and paste journal entries in the Journals screen

You can now copy a journal entry in the Journals screen and paste it the same as the original, with the debits and credits reversed, or without any debit or credit values.

8 August 2019

Re-order journal rows in the Distributions grid

You can now select an journal row and move it up or down in the Distributions grid on the Journals tab. Click any cell in the row, except the one in the Account column, and drag it to the desired location. (A yellow line appears as you drag the row.)

13 June 2019

Separate or combine debit and credit columns - Trial Balance screen

You can now tick or clear the Display separate debit/credit columns checkbox in the Manage Views screen to make balance columns either combined or separate debit/credit columns.

Prior year unadjusted column - Trial Balance screen

The Unadjusted balance column for the prior year is now read only in the Trial Balance screen. To edit prior year balance amounts, you must revert to the prior year by changing the current period in the Settings tab.

Prior year journal entries - Journals screen

Prior year journal entries for a contact in the current year are read only. To edit prior year journal entries, you must revert to the prior year in which the journal entry was made by changing the current period in the Settings tab.

21 February 2019

Improvements in the Periods screen

The following improvements have been made to the Periods screen.

  • You can now click the Add New Fiscal Year link to open a separate screen to add a new fiscal year by selecting the Year Begin/Year End dates, Tax year date, and defining the period.
  • You can now define the current period via the Current Period field in the Application Periods section.
  • You can now define the year begin date and year end date from the Edit Periods screen.

Create reversed entries in the Journals tab

You can now create reversed entries for accounts in the Journals tab so that when you advance the period, those amounts appear as reversed in the Trial Balance tab and Journals tab.

27 December 2018

Edit periods via the Edit Periods link

You can now edit periods, period frequency, and set the current period for a selected fiscal year via the Edit Periods link in the Periods tab for a selected contact.

Assign grouping codes when adding or editing accounts in the trial balance

You can now select grouping assignments for a selected account when adding or editing accounts in the trial balance.

29 November 2018

Edit grouping codes and subcodes in the Trial Balance grid

You can now select grouping codes and subcodes for a specified grouping schedule from the available drop-down lists in the Account Grouping column of the Trial Balance grid.

1 November 2018

Add workpaper references in the Journals screen

You can now add workpaper references via the Workpaper Reference columns for journal and distribution rows in the Journals screen.

6 September 2018


We have updated the look of the Journals screen so that the two sections are now divided horizontally instead of vertically, added the ability to filter columns in the Journals grid, and added a Total and Difference row to the Distributions grid.


We have added Reclassifying and Other journal entry types as optional sections to include in the Adjusting Journal Entry report.

9 August 2018


You can now create a Grouping Schedule report based on tax schedule.

12 July 2018


You can now select additional account balance columns, and optionally separate the debit and credit columns for journal entries in the Trial Balance Worksheet.

14 June 2018


You can now create a Grouping Schedule report that includes account balance information and the corresponding journal entries organised by grouping schedule.

17 May 2018

Trial Balance

You can now add the following types of columns to the Trial Balance grid via the Manage Views screen in the Trial Balance tab.


You can now create a Trial Balance Worksheet report that includes account balance information and the corresponding adjusting entries.

19 April 2018

Trial Balance

You can now perform the following tasks in the Trial Balance screen.

  • Open the Manage Views screen from the Trial Balance tab to add, delete, modify column details, and freeze columns in the Trial Balance grid.
  • Sort account number columns alphanumerically.
  • Filter and search columns in the Trial Balance grid.