Bill your clients

Once you have made time & expense entries, you can bill a client by choosing Time & Billing > Billing.

On the Selection tab, choose an invoice date and a billing method. You can bill by client, service, or project.

  • Select the items you want to bill by ticking the boxes for each.
  • Use the Zero Balance WIP button to control whether zero balance WIP items are displayed.
  • Click Standard Bill to bill for the full work-in-process (WIP) amount.
  • Click Detail Bill to bill individual WIP items, to create progress entries, or to enter billing adjustments.
  • Click Zero Bill ​to bill the full work-in-process (WIP) amount at $0.00.
  • Click Export to create a Microsoft Excel file with the information from your billing entries. 

Click the Review Invoices tab to view, edit, delete, send, or export invoices you have already created.

Note: If you set up a Stripe account to accept online payments, when you email invoices to your clients they can pay them online. If you have enabled Client Centre for a client and they have completed registration, choose the Send to Documents - Client Centre option to automatically create a payment request task in Client Centre.

Click the Statements tab to create billing statements for clients with accounts receivable balances.