Give clients and contacts access to Client Centre
You can give clients and contacts access to Onvio Client Centre to collaborate and securely share and sign documents.
Before you start
- Make sure you're assigned to a permission group that has Onvio Setup enabled.
- Make sure all contacts that aren't business clients have a primary email address and the Entity Type is set to Individual in Setup > All Contacts.
- Make sure all business clients have an individual contact listed as a relationship.
- Each Client Centre user must exist in a relationship to a client to be able to see documents and tasks in their portal.
- You can only give access to Onvio Client Centre one client or contact at a time.
Enable Onvio Client Centre
- Go to Setup and select All Contacts.
- Select Edit next to a client or contact in the list.
- Verify that the Email Address field is correct. If it's empty, enter an email address for the client or contact.
- Go to the Client Centre Access tab.
- Turn the Client Centre switch on.
Note: If you don't see this switch, you can't activate Client Centre for this client or contact. Confirm that their entity is Individual and that you have entered a primary email address.
- Onvio will ask you when to send the client or contact an invitation to register their account. From the link in the registration email, they'll enter an email address and create a password for Onvio Client Centre.
- Choose Send Now to send the email immediately after you save your changes.
- Choose Send Later to send the invitation email later. You can return to this Client Centre Access tab to send the message at any time.
Note: You can re-send the registration email or check registration status at any time by returning to the Client Centre Access tab.
- Select Save when you're finished.
Next steps
- After completing their registration, add folders for your clients so they can upload documents. Clients cannot add their own folders.
- Clients can also access their portal and shared documents using the Client Centre mobile app.
- In Onvio Client Centre you can see and select clients from the menu that this contact is linked to through relationships.
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