Prepare a spreadsheet with VAT Return details

To submit a client's VAT Return to HMRC using Onvio, you will need to upload an Excel worksheet that contains the details of the Return instead of entering them manually in Onvio.

Use our template or make your own Excel spreadsheet

You can create your own Excel spreadsheet or you can download our VAT Spreadsheet Template. We recommend that you use our template because it will help to save you time and minimise the risk of error from data entry.

Download our VAT Spreadsheet Template

You can download our template from Onvio by carrying out the following steps.

  1. Select My applications > Onvio VAT. 
  2. Under the client's name, select the project that has been set up for this VAT Return.
  3. Select the File upload tab.
  4. Select the How to prepare your spreadsheet for upload link.
  5. Select the Excel icon to download the VAT Spreadsheet Template and save it.

Add details to your Excel spreadheet

You can manually enter the details in each required cell of the VAT Spreadsheet Template, but we recommend that you automate data entry by using Excel cell referencing. This will help you to reduce the risk of errors. 

If you use your own spreadsheet

If you create your own spreadsheet, you will need to use Excel and make sure that you include the cell names defined by Onvio. 

Next step

Upload the spreadsheet and submit the VAT Return.