Submit a VAT Return

Before you begin

You will need to add a VAT Return project to your client (VAT Quarterly, for example) and prepare an Excel spreadsheet with VAT Return details

Upload VAT Return data, get approval, and submit

  1. In Onvio VAT, select Projects from the menu bar.
  2. Under the name of the client, select the VAT Return project.

    Note: The VAT Period start date, VAT Period end date and VAT registration number fields are already completed. You complete the remaining fields by uploading an Excel workbook containing the required data.  

  3. Select the File Upload tab. 
  4. If you've not already prepared an Excel spreadsheet with the VAT Return details, follow the steps in Prepare a spreadsheet with VAT Return details.
  5. Select Browse for File, or drag the Excel file to the box in the File Upload tab.
  6. If your Excel workbook has more than one worksheet, choose the correct worksheet from the Select the worksheet to import drop-down list.
  7. Select Next.

    Note: Your Excel worksheet will be uploaded if it passes Onvio's validation checks. For example, the VAT Period start date, VAT Period end date and VAT registration number in the Excel worksheet must match the same pre-populated fields in the File Upload tab.

  8. The VAT Return tab is displayed. Select Actions then any of the following options to make the VAT Return available to your client for approval.
    • Send for E-Signing (this sends an email to the assigned person, who must be registered with Onvio Client Centre).
    • Download as PDF.
    • Send to Documents (this sends a PDF of the VAT Return to Onvio Documents and makes it available to view in your client's VAT Return folder). 
  9. When the VAT Return has been checked and approved by your client, select the Finalise and confirm declaration to HMRC checkbox. Only by confirming the following declaration will the Submit button be activated.

    'Declaration: I confirm that my client has received a copy of the information contained in this return and approved the information as being correct and complete to the best of their knowledge and belief.'

  10. Select Submit. If the VAT Return was submitted successfully, the following message is displayed to confirm the details. 

    'The VAT return for this period was submitted on [date] [time]. HMRC Ref: [reference number].'

Changes to a VAT Return after submission

If you try to submit an amended VAT Return to HMRC it will not be accepted. If you find an error on the Return after submission, follow the HMRC Correct errors on your VAT Returns guidance.

Find out more

Visit the Thomson Reuters Tax and Accounting Learning Centre and take our e‑learning course, Onvio VAT - MTD VAT Submission.