Complete a company formation project: section 4 PSCs

Before you start

Before starting a company formation project, you will need to set up the prospective company as a client, then add a company formation project to it. 

The company formation project wizard has six sections. Section four has two subsections, the first is about Subscribers and the second about People with Significant Control.

People with Significant Control

Note: This section is prepopulated with details of all People with Significant Control (PSC) specified in the relationships tab of the company's client record in Onvio Centre. You can edit these details or add new PSCs from within the project.

  1. Select Edit in the row containing the name of the first PSC in the list. 
  2. Check that the required information about the PSC is present and correct, then select Save and Close.
    • Required information for an invididual: name, date of birth, nationality, service address, usual residential address, and nature of control.
    • Required information for a Relevant Legal Entity: name, address, legal form, governing law, country of registration, registration number, and nature of control.
    • Required information for an Other Registrable Person: name, address, legal form, governing law, and nature of control. 

      Note: You will need to include the country in the usual residential address because Companies House requires the PSC's country of residence.

  3. If not all PSCs are included in the list, select Add, enter the required details in the General and Nature of Control tabs, then select Save and Close.

    Note: When you add a PSC here, a contact record is created in Onvio Centre and the company's client record is amended to include the PSC relationship.

  4. At the top, select Yes to confirm on behalf of the subscribers that each person named in this application as an individual PSC knows that their particulars are being supplied as part of this application.
  5. Select Next.

Note: The option to  select  Same as Service Address is disabled if the Person with Significant Control has applied for, or has been granted, protection from disclosure of their home address.

Next step

Complete a company formation project: section 5 Review.