Complete a company formation project: section 2 Corporate Details

Before you start

Before starting a company formation project, you will need to set up the prospective company as a client, then add a company formation project to it. 

The company formation project wizard has six sections. Section 2 is about Corporate Details.

Registered Office

  1. Check that the Address displayed is the registered office address of the proposed company.
  2. Check that 'Registered Office' is displayed in the Address drop-down list.
  3. If the Address is incorrect or 'Registered Office' is not displayed, carry out the following steps to edit the address.
  4. Check that there is an email address displayed in the Registered Email Address dropdown list.
  5. If the Registered Email Address is incorrect or missing, carry out the following steps to edit the email address.
  6. Select Next.

 Share Capital

  1. Make sure that the Share Capital table includes the correct details, if any.
  2. If any details of a share class are missing, select Add to enter the details.
  3. If any details of a share class are wrong, select Edit in the Actions column to change them. Enter the correct details, then select Save & Close.
  4. Select Next.

Articles of Association

  1. Choose from Model articles – Companies Act 2006, Model articles – Companies Act 2006 amended, or Bespoke articles.
  2. If the company will have amended or bespoke articles, carry out the following steps to upload articles.
  3. Select the Restricted checkbox if the amended or bespoke articles contain provision for entrenchment.
  4. Select Next.

Business Activities

  1. Select the YES toggle when the subscribers have confirmed that they wish to form the company for lawful purposes. The confirmation must be given before the company can be formed.
  2. Choose the standard industrial classification of industrial activities code(s) (SIC Code(s)) from the drop-down list that most closely describes the principal activity or activities of the proposed company.
  3. After choosing the first SIC Code, you can select  Add a SIC Code to choose up to a further three Codes. 
  4. Select Next.

Next step

Complete a company formation project: section 3 Proposed Officers.