Complete a company formation project: section 2 Corporate Details
Before you start
Before starting a company formation project, you will need to set up the prospective company as a client, then add a company formation project to it.
The company formation project wizard has six sections. Section 2 is about Corporate Details.
Registered Office
- Check that the Address displayed is the registered office address of the proposed company.
- Check that 'Registered Office' is displayed in the Address drop-down list.
- If the Address is incorrect or 'Registered Office' is not displayed, carry out the following steps to edit the address.
- Check that there is an email address displayed in the Registered Email Address dropdown list.
- If the Registered Email Address is incorrect or missing, carry out the following steps to edit the email address.
- Select Next.
Share Capital
- Make sure that the Share Capital table includes the correct details, if any.
- If any details of a share class are missing, select Add to enter the details.
- If any details of a share class are wrong, select Edit in the Actions column to change them. Enter the correct details, then select Save & Close.
- Select Next.
Articles of Association
- Choose from Model articles – Companies Act 2006, Model articles – Companies Act 2006 amended, or Bespoke articles.
- If the company will have amended or bespoke articles, carry out the following steps to upload articles.
- Select the Restricted checkbox if the amended or bespoke articles contain provision for entrenchment.
- Select Next.
Business Activities
- Select the YES toggle when the subscribers have confirmed that they wish to form the company for lawful purposes. The confirmation must be given before the company can be formed.
- Choose the standard industrial classification of industrial activities code(s) (SIC Code(s)) from the drop-down list that most closely describes the principal activity or activities of the proposed company.
- After choosing the first SIC Code, you can select Add a SIC Code to choose up to a further three Codes.
- Select Next.
Next step
Complete a company formation project: section 3 Proposed Officers.
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