Complete a company formation project: section three Proposed Officers

Before you begin

Before starting a company formation project, you will need to set up the prospective company as a client, then add a company formation project to it.

The company formation project wizard has six sections. Section 3 is about the Proposed Officers.

Proposed Officers

Note: The list of officers will be prepopulated with the details of any officers who have already been set up as in the Relationships tab of the company's client record. Not all information required for the request for incorporation can be entered when you set up a Contact or Relationship, so you will need to check that these prepopulated records hold the correct details and add some additional details.  

  1. If the list of officers is prepopulated, select Edit next to each officer's name to check that their details are correct. 
  2. To change an officer's details, select Setup next to their name to open their contact record in Onvio Centre. 
  3. If the officer has used a previous name for business purposes in the last 20 years (this includes maiden or married names), select Add a Former Name to add a Forename, Surname and Effective Date.
  4. If the officer's Service Address is not the same as the Registered Address, select No and either choose an address from the drop-down list or select Edit Address List to add/edit the address details.
  5. If the officer's Residential Address is not the same as the Service Address, select No and either choose an address from the drop-down list or select Edit Address List to add/edit the address details.

    Note: If the Service Address is the same as the Registered Address, then the option to make the Residential Address the same as the Service Address is disabled because this is not permitted by Companies House. 

  6. If the officer is in the process of applying for, or has been granted, a section 243 exemption, select Yes.
  7. If any officers are missing from the prepopulated list, select Add to enter the following details.
  8. At the top, select Yes to confirm that all the directors and the company secretary (if any) have consented to acting in those roles. 
  9. Select Next.

Next step

Complete a company formation project: Section 4 Subscribers.